Druid level 1 spells

More spell levels: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Crunchy Snow Transmutation Fr
Cure Light Wounds Conjuration PH
Darsson's Cooling Breeze Evocation ShS
Deep Breath Conjuration Sc_
Delay Disease Conjuration Sc_
Detect Abberation Divination ECS
Detect Animals Or Plants Divination PH
Detect Snares and Pits Divination PH
Ease of Breath Necromancy Fr
Endure Elements Abjuration PH
Enrage Animal Enchantment Sc_
Enrage Animals Enchantment CR
Entangle Transmutation PH
Extend Shifting Transmutation RE
Extract Drug Conjuration BV
Eyes of the Avoral Transmutation BE
Faerie Fire Evocation PH
Foundation of Stone Transmutation Sc_
Goodberry Transmutation PH
Handfire Evocation Mag