Spells in Necromancy

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Necromancy ECS
Aboleth Curse Necromancy Sto
Absorb Strength Necromancy BV
Affliction Necromancy BE
Angry Ache Necromancy BV
Animate Dead Necromancy PH
Animate Dread Warrior Necromancy Una
Animate Legion Necromancy HB
Arrow of Bone Necromancy CAr
Arrow of Bone Necromancy Sc_
Ashen Union Necromancy Sa
Astral Projection Necromancy PH
Aura of Terror Necromancy Dr
Aura of Terror Necromancy Sc_
Avascular Mass Necromancy LM
Avascular Mass Necromancy Sc_
Avasculate Necromancy LM
Avasculate Necromancy Sc_
Awaken Undead Necromancy LM
Awaken Undead Necromancy SS