Druid level 4 spells More spell levels: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ‹‹ prev 1 2 3 ... 6 7 8 next ›› Spell name Spell School Rulebook name Air Walk Transmutation PH Antiplant Shell Abjuration PH Arc of Lightning Conjuration CAr Arc of Lightning Conjuration MH Arc of Lightning Conjuration Sc_ Armored Vermin Transmutation DrU Aspect of the Werebeast Transmutation RE Battlefield Illumination Evocation HB Bear's Heart Transmutation DF Bite of the Wereboar Transmutation Sc_ Blast of Sand Conjuration Sa Blight Necromancy DF Blight Necromancy MW Blight Necromancy PH Blinding Beauty Transmutation BE Blindsight, Greater Transmutation Sc_ Bloodbriars Evocation LE Boreal Wind Evocation Fr Bottle of Smoke Conjuration CD Bottle of Smoke Conjuration MW ‹‹ prev 1 2 3 ... 6 7 8 next ››