Druid level 4 spells

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Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Air Walk Transmutation PH
Antiplant Shell Abjuration PH
Arc of Lightning Conjuration CAr
Arc of Lightning Conjuration MH
Arc of Lightning Conjuration Sc_
Armored Vermin Transmutation DrU
Aspect of the Werebeast Transmutation RE
Battlefield Illumination Evocation HB
Bear's Heart Transmutation DF
Bite of the Wereboar Transmutation Sc_
Blast of Sand Conjuration Sa
Blight Necromancy DF
Blight Necromancy MW
Blight Necromancy PH
Blinding Beauty Transmutation BE
Blindsight, Greater Transmutation Sc_
Bloodbriars Evocation LE
Boreal Wind Evocation Fr
Bottle of Smoke Conjuration CD
Bottle of Smoke Conjuration MW