Druid level 1 spells

More spell levels: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Hawkeye Transmutation CAd
Hawkeye Transmutation CD
Hawkeye Transmutation MW
Hawkeye Transmutation Sc_
Healthful Rest Conjuration CAd
Healthful Rest Conjuration Sc_
Hide from Animals Abjuration PH
Horrible Taste Transmutation CV
Horrible Taste Transmutation Sc_
Ice Skate Transmutation Fr
Impede Sun's Brilliance Abjuration Sa
Impeding Stones Transmutation Ci
Instant of Power Transmutation FoW
Invisibility to Animals Abjuration PHB
Ivory Flesh Transmutation Fr
Jump Transmutation PH
Kuo-toa Skin Transmutation Sto
Lion's Charge Transmutation SS
Locate Touchstone Divination PlH
Locate Water Divination Sa