Spells in Spell Compendium

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Insightful Feint Divination Sc_
Inspirational Boost Enchantment Sc_
Instant Locksmith Divination Sc_
Instant Refuge Evocation Sc_
Instant Search Divination Sc_
Interplanar Message Evocation Sc_
Interplanar Telepathic Bond Divination Sc_
Invisibility, Superior Illusion Sc_
Invisibility, Swift Illusion Sc_
Iron Bones Transmutation Sc_
Iron Silence Transmutation Sc_
Ironguard Abjuration Sc_
Ironguard, Lesser Abjuration Sc_
Ironguts Abjuration Sc_
Ironthunder Horn Transmutation Sc_
Jagged Tooth Transmutation Sc_
Jaws of the Wolf Transmutation Sc_
Joyful Noise Abjuration Sc_
Jungle's Rapture Transmutation Sc_
Junglerazer Necromancy Sc_