Spells in Spell Compendium ‹‹ prev 1 2 3 4 ... 49 50 51 next ›› Spell name Spell School Rulebook name Anarchic Storm Conjuration Sc_ Anarchic Water Transmutation Sc_ Angelskin Abjuration Sc_ Anger of the Noonday Sun Evocation Sc_ Animate Breath Transmutation Sc_ Animate Fire Transmutation Sc_ Animate Snow Transmutation Sc_ Animate Water Transmutation Sc_ Animate Wood Transmutation Sc_ Anticipate Teleportation Abjuration Sc_ Anticipate Teleportation, Greater Abjuration Sc_ Anticold Sphere Abjuration Sc_ Antidragon Aura Abjuration Sc_ Antimagic Ray Abjuration Sc_ Anyspell Transmutation Sc_ Anyspell, Greater Transmutation Sc_ Appraising Touch Divination Sc_ Arc of Lightning Conjuration Sc_ Armor of Darkness Abjuration Sc_ Arrow Mind Divination Sc_ ‹‹ prev 1 2 3 4 ... 49 50 51 next ››