Spells in Spell Compendium ‹‹ prev 1 2 ... 48 49 50 51 next ›› Spell name Spell School Rulebook name Wings of Air Transmutation Sc_ Wings of Air, Greater Transmutation Sc_ Wings of the Sea Transmutation Sc_ Winter Chill Transmutation Sc_ Winter's Embrace Evocation Sc_ Wither Limb Necromancy Sc_ Withering Palm Necromancy Sc_ Wood Rot Transmutation Sc_ Wood Wose Conjuration Sc_ Word of Balance Evocation Sc_ Word of Binding Conjuration Sc_ Wounding Whispers Abjuration Sc_ Wrack Necromancy Sc_ Wracking Touch Necromancy Sc_ Wraithstrike Transmutation Sc_ Wrathful Castigation Enchantment Sc_ Xorn Movement Transmutation Sc_ Zeal Abjuration Sc_ Zealot Pact Evocation Sc_ Zone of Respite Abjuration Sc_ ‹‹ prev 1 2 ... 48 49 50 51 next ››