Spells in Spell Compendium

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Icelance Conjuration Sc_
Illusory Feast Illusion Sc_
Illusory Pit Illusion Sc_
Imbue Familiar With Spell Ability Universal Sc_
Imperious Glare Necromancy Sc_
Implacable Pursuer Divination Sc_
Improvisation Transmutation Sc_
Incite Enchantment Sc_
Incorporeal Enhancement Necromancy Sc_
Incorporeal Nova Necromancy Sc_
Indomitability Abjuration Sc_
Infernal Threnody Evocation Sc_
Infernal Transformation Transmutation Sc_
Infernal Transformation, Lesser Transmutation Sc_
Infernal Wound Transmutation Sc_
Inferno Transmutation Sc_
Infestation of Maggots Necromancy Sc_
Inhibit Enchantment Sc_
Inky Cloud Conjuration Sc_
Insidious Rhythm Enchantment Sc_