Spells in Spell Compendium

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Kelpstrand Conjuration Sc_
Kiss of the Vampire Necromancy Sc_
Knight's Move Transmutation Sc_
Know Greatest Enemy Divination Sc_
Know Opponent Divination Sc_
Know Vulnerabilities Divination Sc_
Land Womb Abjuration Sc_
Languor Transmutation Sc_
Last Breath Transmutation Sc_
Launch Bolt Transmutation Sc_
Launch Item Transmutation Sc_
Lawful Sword Evocation Sc_
Lay of the Land Divination Sc_
Life Bolt Necromancy Sc_
Life Ward Abjuration Sc_
Life's Grace Abjuration Sc_
Light of Lunia Evocation Sc_
Light of Mercuria Evocation Sc_
Light of Venya Evocation Sc_
Lightfoot Transmutation Sc_