Wizard level 5 spells

More spell levels: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Duelward Abjuration CAr
Duelward Abjuration Sc_
Earth Reaver Transmutation Sc_
Electric Vengeance, Greater Evocation PH2
Emerald Burst Evocation BE
Energy Buffer Abjuration TB
Enlarge Person, Greater Transmutation Sc_
Ethereal Breath Transmutation Dr
Ethereal Breath Transmutation Sc_
Etherealness, Swift Transmutation PH2
Evacuation Rune Conjuration CS
Extract Gift Necromancy FCI
Fabricate Transmutation PH
False Vision Illusion PH
Feeblemind Enchantment PH
Fever Dream Illusion CM
Field of Resistance Abjuration PH2
Fiendform Transmutation Sc_
Fire and Brimstone Conjuration CM
Fire Shield, Legion's Evocation MH