Wizard level 5 spells

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Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Superior Resistance Abjuration SS
Suppress Legacy Necromancy WL
Surefooted Stride, Mass Transmutation Sc_
Sword of Deception Evocation CAr
Symbol of Pain Necromancy PH
Symbol of Sleep Enchantment PH
Symbol of Spell Loss Abjuration Sc_
Telekinesis Transmutation PH
Telepathy Block Abjuration BE
Teleport Conjuration PH
Thalassemia Necromancy Sto
Touch of Adamantine Transmutation BE
Touch of Vecna Necromancy CM
Toxic Weapon Conjuration PH2
Trait Removal Transmutation SK
Transformation of the Deeps Transmutation Sto
Transmute Mud to Rock Transmutation PH
Transmute Rock to Mud Transmutation PH
Transmute Sand to Glass Transmutation Sa
Transmute Sand to Stone Transmutation Sa