Druid level 3 spells

More spell levels: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Blindsight Transmutation Sc_
Bottle of Smoke Conjuration Sc_
Brittleskin Transmutation ShS
Call Lightning Evocation PH
Capricious Zephyr Evocation Sc_
Charge of the Triceratops Transmutation Sc_
Circle Dance Divination Mag
Circle Dance Divination Sc_
Column of Ice Conjuration Fr
Conjure Ice Beast Iii Conjuration Fr
Contagion Necromancy PH
Control Sand Transmutation Sa
Control Temperature Transmutation Fr
Coral Growth Transmutation ShS
Corona of Cold Evocation Sc_
Countermoon Abjuration MW
Countermoon Abjuration SS
Creaking Cacophony Illusion Sc_
Crown of Clarity Divination PH2
Crumble Transmutation Sc_