Druid level 2 spells

More spell levels: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Easy Trail Abjuration ShS
Easy Trail Abjuration Sc_
Embrace the Wild Transmutation CAd
Embrace the Wild Transmutation Sc_
Estanna's Stew Conjuration BE
Evergreen Transmutation Fr
Filter Abjuration TB
Fins to Feet Transmutation Sto
Fins to feet Transmutation Sc_
Fire Trap Abjuration PH
Flame Blade Evocation PH
Flaming Sphere Evocation PH
Flash-freeze Transmutation Fr
Fog Cloud Conjuration PH
Freedom of Breath Abjuration Sa
Frost Breath Evocation Sc_
Frost Weapon Transmutation Fr
Gaze Screen Abjuration DrF
Gaze Screen Abjuration TB
Ghost Companion Necromancy Gh