Druid level 2 spells

More spell levels: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Swim Transmutation Sto
Swim Transmutation Sc_
Tern's Persistence Transmutation Sto
Thaw Transmutation Fr
Thin Air Necromancy Fr
Tiger's Tooth Transmutation MH
Tiger's Tooth Transmutation Sc_
Tojanida Sight Divination Sto
Train Animal Enchantment CAd
Train Animal Enchantment Sc_
Tree Shape Transmutation PH
Trip Vine Transmutation HB
Urchin's Spines Transmutation Sto
Warp Wood Transmutation PH
Whip of Thorns Transmutation CR
Wild Instincts Divination RE
Wings of Air Transmutation Sc_
Winter's Embrace Evocation Sc_
Wood Shape Transmutation PH
Woodland Veil Illusion RW