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Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Tongue Serpents Transmutation BV
Tongue Tendrils Transmutation BV
Tongues Divination PH
Toothed Tentacle Evocation LE
Tormenting Thirst Enchantment Sa
Tornado Throw Setting Sun ToB
Torrent of Tears Enchantment CM
Tortoise Shell Transmutation CD
Tortoise Shell Abjuration Mag
Tortoise Shell Transmutation Sc_
Total Repair Transmutation ECS
Touch of Adamantine Transmutation BE
Touch of Fatigue Necromancy PH
Touch of Idiocy Enchantment PH
Touch of Idiocy Enchantment PH2
Touch of Jorasco Conjuration RE
Touch of Juiblex Transmutation BV
Touch of Madness Enchantment CD
Touch of Madness Enchantment DF
Touch of Madness Enchantment DD