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Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Touch of Madness Enchantment LoM
Touch of Madness Enchantment Sc_
Touch of Madness Enchantment ECS
Touch of Restoration Conjuration CC
Touch of the Blackened Soul Transmutation DM
Touch of the Graveborn Necromancy CM
Touch of Vecna Necromancy CM
Touch of Years Necromancy CM
Touchstone Lightning Transmutation PlH
Towering Oak Illusion Mag
Towering Oak Illusion Sc_
Towering Thunderhead Conjuration CM
Toxic Tongue Conjuration CM
Toxic Weapon Conjuration PH2
Train Animal Enchantment CAd
Train Animal Enchantment Sc_
Trait Removal Transmutation SK
Trance Divination OA
Trance of the Verdant Domain Enchantment DM
Trance, Mass Enchantment MW