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Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Thunder Field Evocation PH2
Thunderhead Evocation Sc_
Thunderlance Evocation FRCS
Thunderlance Evocation Sc_
Thunderous Roar Evocation Sc_
Thunderstroke Evocation CV
Thunderswarm Evocation MW
Tidal Surge Evocation CD
Tidal Surge Evocation Sc_
Tidal Wave Evocation ShS
Tide of Chaos Devoted Spirit ToB
Tiger's Tooth Transmutation MH
Tiger's Tooth Transmutation Sc_
Time Stands Still Diamond Mind ToB
Time Stop Transmutation PH
Tirumael's Energy Spheres Evocation Mag
Tojanida Sight Divination Sto
Tomb of Jade Transmutation OA
Tomb of Light Transmutation BE
Tongue of Baalzebul Transmutation BV