Wizard level 3 spells

More spell levels: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Pebble Wind Evocation DrF
Permeable Form Transmutation LoM
Persuade to Manifest Enchantment Gh
Phantasmal Strangler Illusion CM
Phantom Guardians Illusion RD
Phantom Steed Conjuration PH
Planar Tolerance Abjuration PlH
Power Word Deafen Enchantment RDr
Power Word Maladroit Enchantment RDr
Power Word Weaken Enchantment RDr
Prickling Torment Necromancy CM
Primal Form Transmutation Sc_
Prismatic Mist Evocation PH2
Protection from Dessication Abjuration Sa
Protection from Elements Abjuration PHB
Protection from Energy Abjuration PH
Rage Enchantment PH
Rainbow Blast Evocation Sc_
Ray of Dizziness Enchantment Sc_
Ray of Exhaustion Necromancy PH