Wizard level 3 spells

More spell levels: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Icelance Transmutation PG
Icelance Conjuration Sc_
Illusory Script Illusion PH
Improved Alarm Abjuration MP
Improved Arcane Lock Abjuration SB
Improved Mage Armor Conjuration Una
Incorporeal Enhancement Necromancy LM
Incorporeal Enhancement Necromancy Sc_
Inevitable Defeat Enchantment PH2
Investiture of the Bearded Devil Transmutation FCII
Investiture of the Chain Devil Transmutation FCII
Invisibility Sphere Illusion PH
Invoke the Cerulean Sign Evocation LoM
Jump, Mass Transmutation ShS
Junglerazer Necromancy Sc_
Karmic Backlash Abjuration CM
Keen Edge Transmutation PH
Khelben's Suspended Silence Illusion Mag
Khyber Trap Abjuration MoE
Laeral's Silver Lance Evocation CSW