Wizard level 2 spells

More spell levels: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Veil of Shadow Evocation Sc_
Vertigo Illusion PH2
Vestigewrack Necromancy TM
Vision of Entropy Illusion FCI
Wall of Gloom Illusion CAr
Wall of Gloom Illusion Sc_
Web Conjuration PH
Whelming Blast Enchantment PH2
Whirling Blade Transmutation CAr
Whirling Blade Transmutation Sc_
Whispercast Transmutation LoM
Whispering Wind Transmutation PH
Wings of Air Transmutation Dr
Wings of Air Transmutation Sc_
Wings of the Sea Transmutation SS
Wither Limb Necromancy BV
Wracking Touch Necromancy CAd
Wracking Touch Necromancy Sc_
Wraithstrike Transmutation CAd
Wraithstrike Transmutation Sc_