Wizard level 2 spells

More spell levels: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Suppress Dragonmark Abjuration MoE
Suppress Magic Abjuration MoI
Sure Strike Divination PH2
Surefooted Stride Transmutation Sc_
Swim Transmutation CAr
Swim Transmutation Sto
Swim Transmutation Sc_
Tasha's Hideous Laughter Enchantment PH
Tern's Persistence Transmutation Sto
Theskyn's Hearty Heave Evocation LE
Toothed Tentacle Evocation LE
Torrent of Tears Enchantment CM
Touch of Idiocy Enchantment PH
Turbidity Abjuration Sto
Undeniable Gravity Transmutation MH
Unfettered Grasp Enchantment RDr
Unheavened Abjuration BV
Unseen Crafter Conjuration RE
Urchin's Spines Transmutation Sto
Veil of Shadow Evocation MH