Cleric level 6 spells

More spell levels: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Suppress Glyph Transmutation Mag
Symbol of Fear Necromancy PH
Symbol of Persuasion Enchantment PH
Symbol of Thirst Enchantment Sa
Touch of Adamantine Transmutation BE
Undeath to Death Necromancy DD
Undeath to Death Necromancy FP
Undeath to Death Necromancy Gh
Undeath to Death Necromancy Mag
Undeath to Death Necromancy PH
Undeath to Death Necromancy TB
Vengeance Halo Abjuration BE
Vigorous Circle Conjuration CD
Vigorous Circle Conjuration Sc_
Visage of the Deity Transmutation CD
Visage of the Deity Transmutation Sc_
Weight of Sin Evocation CC
Whirl of Fangs Evocation SK
Wind Walk Transmutation PH
Word of Recall Conjuration PH