Cleric level 6 spells

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Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Cometfall Conjuration Sc_
Conjure Ice Beast Vi Conjuration Fr
Consecrate Battlefield Evocation HB
Contingent Spell Lock Transmutation Gh
Create Undead Necromancy PH
Crown of Brilliance Evocation BE
Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass Conjuration PH
Demonic Blood Infusion Transmutation Gh
Desecrate Battlefield Evocation HB
Desiccate, Mass Necromancy Sa
Dispel Magic, Greater Abjuration PH
Dragonmark Symbol Abjuration Dra
Eagle's Splendor, Mass Transmutation PH
Energy Immunity Abjuration CAr
Energy Immunity Abjuration Dr
Energy Immunity Abjuration TB
Energy Immunity Abjuration Sc_
Eyes of the Oracle Divination DM
Fiendish Quickening Transmutation BV
Fiery Vision Evocation ShS