Cleric level 5 spells

More spell levels: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Mirror Walking Transmutation MP
Monstrous Regeneration Conjuration Mag
Morality Undone Enchantment BV
Morality Undone Enchantment FCI
Morality Undone Enchantment LoM
Necrotic Burst Necromancy LM
Necrotic Skull Bomb Necromancy CR
Oath of Blood Necromancy HH
Opalescent Glare Necromancy PlH
Orb of Dancing Death Necromancy MoE
Pacification Enchantment DrF
Parboil Evocation Sa
Pass Through Ice Transmutation Fr
Plane Shift Conjuration PH
Platinum Ray Evocation DrF
Psychic Turmoil Abjuration XPH
Radiance Evocation PH2
Raise Dead Conjuration PH
Regenerate Serious Wounds Conjuration MW
Resonating Resistance Transmutation BV