Cleric level 5 spells

More spell levels: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Symbol of Sleep Enchantment PH
Symbol of Spell Loss Abjuration Sc_
Telepathy Block Abjuration BE
Triadspell Transmutation Sc_
True Seeing Divination PH
Undying Aura Transmutation MoE
Unhallow Evocation PH
Vigor, Greater Conjuration Sc_
Vigor, Greater Conjuration CD
Vulnerability Transmutation Dr
Vulnerability Transmutation Sc_
Wall of Dispel Magic Abjuration Und
Wall of Dispel Magic Abjuration Sc_
Wall of Magma Conjuration Sa
Wall of Ooze Conjuration BV
Wall of Stone Conjuration PH
Warding Gems Conjuration BE
Zone of Peace Transmutation Ci
Zone of Respite Abjuration Sc_
Zone of Revelation Divination Sc_