Spells in Spell Compendium

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Share Husk Divination Sc_
Sharptooth Transmutation Sc_
Shatterfloor Evocation Sc_
Sheltered Vitality Abjuration Sc_
Shield of Faith, Mass Abjuration Sc_
Shield of Warding Abjuration Sc_
Shieldbearer Transmutation Sc_
Shifting Paths Illusion Sc_
Shock and Awe Enchantment Sc_
Shroud of Flame Evocation Sc_
Shroud of Undeath Necromancy Sc_
Sign Enchantment Sc_
Sign of Sealing Abjuration Sc_
Sign of Sealing, Greater Abjuration Sc_
Silent Portal Illusion Sc_
Silverbeard Transmutation Sc_
Sink Transmutation Sc_
Sirine's Grace Evocation Sc_
Skeletal Guard Necromancy Sc_
Skull Watch Necromancy Sc_