Spells in Spell Compendium

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Memory Rot Evocation Sc_
Mesmerizing Glare Enchantment Sc_
Metal Melt Transmutation Sc_
Miasma Evocation Sc_
Miasma of Entropy Necromancy Sc_
Mind Poison Necromancy Sc_
Mindless Rage Enchantment Sc_
Minor Disguise Transmutation Sc_
Miser's Envy Enchantment Sc_
Moment of Clarity Abjuration Sc_
Monstrous Thrall Enchantment Sc_
Moon Blade Evocation Sc_
Moon Bolt Evocation Sc_
Moon Lust Illusion Sc_
Moon Path Evocation Sc_
Moonbeam Evocation Sc_
Moonbow Evocation Sc_
Moonfire Evocation Sc_
Mountain Stance Transmutation Sc_
Murderous Mist Conjuration Sc_