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Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Chain Contingency Evocation TB
Chain Dispel Abjuration PH2
Chain Lightning Evocation PH
Chain Missile Evocation Sc_
Chain of Chaos Enchantment DF
Chain of Eyes Divination CD
Chain of Eyes Divination DF
Chain of Eyes Divination Sc_
Chain of Sorrow Necromancy HH
Chamber Evocation MP
Chameleon Illusion CAr
Chameleon Illusion OA
Change self Illusion PHB
Changestaff Transmutation PH
Changestones Transmutation Und
Channel Celestial Transmutation BE
Channel Greater Celestial Transmutation BE
Channel the Dragon Transmutation DM
Channel the Mishtai Necromancy MoI
Channel the Mishtai, Greater Necromancy MoI