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Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Channeled Divine Health Conjuration PH2
Channeled Divine Shield Abjuration PH2
Channeled Lifetheft Necromancy CM
Channeled Pyroburst Evocation PH2
Channeled Sound Blast Evocation CM
Chaos Hammer Evocation PH
Charge of the Triceratops Transmutation Sc_
Charging Minotaur Stone Dragon ToB
Charm Animal Enchantment PH
Charm Monster Enchantment PH
Charm Monster, Mass Enchantment PH
Charm Person Enchantment PH
Charm Person Or Ghost Enchantment Gh
Charm Person, Mass Enchantment RD
Charnel Fire Necromancy BV
Chasing Perfection Transmutation PH2
Cheat Transmutation BV
Cheat Transmutation Dr
Cheat Transmutation Sc_
Checkmate's Light Evocation Sc_