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Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Shield of Faith, Mass Abjuration Sc_
Shield of Lathander Abjuration PG
Shield of Lathander, Greater Abjuration PG
Shield of Law Abjuration PH
Shield of the Archons Abjuration BE
Shield of Warding Abjuration Dr
Shield of Warding Abjuration Sc_
Shield Other Abjuration PH
Shieldbearer Transmutation Sc_
Shifter Prowess Transmutation RE
Shifting Defense Setting Sun ToB
Shifting Paths Illusion Sc_
Shillelagh Transmutation PH
Shivering Touch Necromancy Fr
Shivering Touch, Lesser Necromancy Fr
Shock and Awe Enchantment Sc_
Shocking Grasp Evocation PH
Shockwave Evocation Sh
Shout Evocation PH
Shout, Greater Evocation PH