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Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Shard Blessing Aura Abjuration CV
Shard Storm Evocation Sc_
Share Husk Divination Mag
Share Husk Divination Sc_
Share Talents Transmutation PH2
Shared Healing Conjuration MoE
Sharptooth Transmutation Dr
Sharptooth Transmutation Sc_
Shatter Evocation PH
Shatterfloor Evocation Mag
Shatterfloor Evocation Sc_
Shelgarn's Persistent Blade Evocation Mag
Sheltered Vitality Abjuration LM
Sheltered Vitality Abjuration Sc_
Sherem Transformation Transmutation Gh
Shield Abjuration PH
Shield Block Devoted Spirit ToB
Shield Counter Devoted Spirit ToB
Shield of Faith Abjuration PH
Shield of Faith, Legion's Abjuration MH