Wizard level 6 spells

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Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Energy Transformation Field Transmutation Mag
Entomb Evocation Fr
Extract Water Elemental Transmutation Sc_
Eye of Stone Divination RS
Eyebite Necromancy PH
Eyes of the Oracle Divination DM
False Sending Illusion BV
Familiar Refuge Conjuration CM
Fiendform Transmutation CAr
Fiendform Transmutation Mag
Fiendform Transmutation PG
Fiendform Transmutation Una
Fiendish Quickening Transmutation BV
Fire Spiders Conjuration Mag
Fire Spiders Conjuration Sc_
Fires of Purity Evocation CD
Fires of Purity Evocation Sc_
Flesh to Stone Transmutation PH
Fleshbound Abjuration SoS
Fleshshiver Necromancy Sc_