Wizard level 4 spells

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Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Bright Worms Conjuration PH2
Burning Blood Necromancy CAr
Burning Blood Necromancy Sc_
Caligarde's Claw Evocation PG
Call of Stone Transmutation PH2
Caustic Mire Conjuration CM
Celerity Transmutation PH2
Celestial Brilliance Evocation BE
Channeled Pyroburst Evocation PH2
Charm Monster Enchantment PH
Cold Orb Evocation TB
Column of Ice Conjuration Fr
Condemnation Abjuration PH2
Cone of Euphoria Enchantment DrF
Confusion Enchantment PH
Conjure Lesser Midnight Construct Conjuration MoI
Contagion Necromancy PH
Coral Growth Transmutation ShS
Corporeal Instability Transmutation PlH
Corporeal Instability Transmutation Sc_