Wizard level 1 spells

More spell levels: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Obscuring Mist Conjuration PH
Orb of Acid, Lesser Conjuration CAr
Orb of Acid, Lesser Conjuration Sc_
Orb of Cold, Lesser Conjuration CAr
Orb of Cold, Lesser Conjuration Sc_
Orb of Electricity, Lesser Conjuration CAr
Orb of Electricity, Lesser Conjuration Sc_
Orb of Fire, Lesser Conjuration CAr
Orb of Fire, Lesser Conjuration Sc_
Orb of Sound, Lesser Conjuration CAr
Orb of Sound, Lesser Conjuration Sc_
Parching Touch Necromancy Sa
Path of Frost Transmutation DM
Peacebond Transmutation Ci
Persistent Blade Evocation Sc_
Pleasant Visage Illusion Gh
Portal Beacon Transmutation MP
Portal Beacon Transmutation Sc_
Power Word Fatigue Enchantment RDr
Power Word Pain Enchantment RDr