Sorcerer level 5 spells

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Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Necrotic Skull Bomb Necromancy CR
Nezram's Sapphire Screen of Shielding Abjuration LE
Night's Caress Necromancy LM
Night's Caress Necromancy Sc_
Nightmare Illusion PH
Nightstalker's Transformation Transmutation CAd
Nightstalker's Transformation Transmutation Sc_
Oath of Blood Necromancy HH
Opalescent Glare Necromancy PlH
Orb of Dancing Death Necromancy MoE
Overland Flight Transmutation PH
Passwall Transmutation PH
Permanency Universal PH
Persistent Image Illusion PH
Phantasmal Thief Conjuration Sc_
Planar Binding, Lesser Conjuration PH
Planar Tolerance Abjuration Sc_
Power Word Disable Enchantment RDr
Precipitate Breach Conjuration PlH
Presper's Moonbow Evocation PG