Cleric level 4 spells

More spell levels: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Blessing of the Righteous Evocation PH2
Blindsight Transmutation Mag
Blindsight, Greater Transmutation Sc_
Blood of the Martyr Necromancy BE
Castigate Evocation CD
Castigate Evocation DF
Castigate Evocation Sc_
Celestial Brilliance Evocation BE
Channeled Divine Health Conjuration PH2
Claws of the Savage Transmutation BV
Confound Enchantment CC
Conjure Ice Beast Iv Conjuration Fr
Consumptive Field Necromancy LM
Consumptive Field Necromancy Sc_
Contingent Energy Resistance Abjuration Dr
Contingent Energy Resistance Abjuration Sc_
Control Water Transmutation PH
Cure Critical Wounds Conjuration PH
Damning Darkness Evocation BV
Damning Darkness Evocation LoM