Cleric level 1 spells

More spell levels: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Protection from Possession Abjuration Gh
Protection from Winged Flyers Abjuration ShS
Protective Interposition Conjuration FoW
Ray of Hope Enchantment BE
Ray of Resurgence Evocation LE
Reaving Aura Necromancy CM
Regenerate Light Wounds Conjuration MW
Remove Fear Abjuration PH
Resist Planar Alignment Abjuration PlH
Resist Planar Alignment Abjuration Sc_
Resurgence Abjuration CD
Resurgence Abjuration Sc_
Rosemantle Abjuration Mag
Sacrificial Skill Enchantment BV
Sanctuary Abjuration PH
Scholar's Touch Divination RD
Scramble True Position Conjuration TM
Sea Legs Transmutation ShS
Shield of Faith Abjuration PH
Shivering Touch, Lesser Necromancy Fr