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Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Wall of Blades Iron Heart ToB
Wall of Bones Conjuration CAr
Wall of Bones Conjuration OA
Wall of Chains Conjuration BV
Wall of Chaos Abjuration Mag
Wall of Chaos Abjuration Sc_
Wall of Coldfire Evocation Fr
Wall of Deadly Chains Conjuration BV
Wall of Dispel Magic Abjuration Und
Wall of Dispel Magic Abjuration Sc_
Wall of Ectoplasm Conjuration Gh
Wall of Evil Abjuration Mag
Wall of Evil Abjuration Sc_
Wall of Eyes Conjuration BV
Wall of Fire Evocation PH
Wall of Force Evocation PH
Wall of Gears Conjuration PlH
Wall of Gears Conjuration Sc_
Wall of Gloom Illusion CAr
Wall of Gloom Illusion Sc_