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Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Wall of Scales Conjuration RDr
Wall of Smoke Conjuration Sc_
Wall of Stone Conjuration PH
Wall of Thorns Conjuration PH
Wall of Vermin Conjuration CS
Wall of Water Conjuration Sa
Wall of Water Conjuration Sc_
Wand Modulation Transmutation CS
War Cry Enchantment CAd
War Cry Enchantment Gh
War Cry Enchantment Mag
War Cry Enchantment Sc_
War Leader's Charge White Raven ToB
War Master's Charge White Raven ToB
War-mount Transmutation CC
Warcry Enchantment BE
Warding Gems Conjuration BE
Warning Divination OA
Warning Divination PG
Warning Shout Transmutation Mag