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Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Vine Strike Divination CAd
Vine Strike Divination Sc_
Vipergout Conjuration Mag
Vipergout Conjuration PG
Vipergout Conjuration SS
Vipergout Conjuration Sc_
Virtue Transmutation PH
Visage of the Deity Transmutation CD
Visage of the Deity Transmutation Sc_
Visage of the Deity, Greater Transmutation CD
Visage of the Deity, Greater Transmutation Sc_
Visage of the Deity, Lesser Transmutation CD
Visage of the Deity, Lesser Transmutation Sc_
Viscid Glob Conjuration Und
Viscid Glob Conjuration Sc_
Vision Divination PH
Vision of Entropy Illusion FCI
Vision of Glory Divination Mag
Vision of Glory Divination Sc_
Vision of Heaven Enchantment BE