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Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Steel Wind Iron Heart ToB
Steeldance Evocation Mag
Steeldance Transmutation Sc_
Steelsting Evocation CSW
Steelsting Evocation DrF
Steely Strike Iron Heart ToB
Step of the Dancing Moth Shadow Hand ToB
Step of the Wind Setting Sun ToB
Stick Transmutation Und
Stick Transmutation Sc_
Sticks and Stones Necromancy ShS
Sticky Fingers Transmutation Sc_
Sticky Floor Conjuration RDr
Sticky Saddle Transmutation Sc_
Stifle Spell Abjuration PH2
Sting Ray Enchantment Sc_
Stinking Cloud Conjuration PH
Stolen Breath Necromancy Sc_
Stone Body Transmutation PG
Stone Body Abjuration Rac