Spells in Shadow Hand ‹‹ prev 1 2 next ›› Spell name Spell School Rulebook name Assassin's Stance Shadow Hand ToB Balance on the Sky Shadow Hand ToB Bloodletting Strike Shadow Hand ToB Child of Shadow Shadow Hand ToB Clinging Shadow Strike Shadow Hand ToB Cloak of Deception Shadow Hand ToB Dance of the Spider Shadow Hand ToB Death in the Dark Shadow Hand ToB Drain Vitality Shadow Hand ToB Enervating Shadow Strike Shadow Hand ToB Five-Shadow Creeping Ice Enervating Strike Shadow Hand ToB Ghost Blade Shadow Hand ToB Hand of Death Shadow Hand ToB Island of Blades Shadow Hand ToB Obscuring Shadow Veil Shadow Hand ToB One with Shadow Shadow Hand ToB Shadow Blade Technique Shadow Hand ToB Shadow Blink Shadow Hand ToB Shadow Garrote Shadow Hand ToB Shadow Jaunt Shadow Hand ToB ‹‹ prev 1 2 next ››