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Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Righteous Fury Transmutation Mag
Righteous Fury Evocation MH
Righteous Fury Transmutation Sc_
Righteous Glare Necromancy BE
Righteous Might Transmutation PH
Righteous Smite Evocation BE
Righteous Wrath of the Faithful Enchantment CD
Righteous Wrath of the Faithful Enchantment DF
Righteous Wrath of the Faithful Enchantment Sc_
Rigor Mortis Necromancy HH
Ring of Blades Conjuration CAr
Ring of Blades Conjuration MH
Ring of Blades Conjuration Sc_
Ring of Fire Desert Wind ToB
Rising Phoenix Desert Wind ToB
Ritual of Renaming Transmutation TM
Roar of the Waves Illusion Sto
Rock Catch Transmutation ShS
Rockburst Evocation ShS
Rooftop Strider Transmutation RD