Spells Filter: [+] Spell name: Range: Spell resistance: Area: Duration: Saving throw: Casting time: School: Unknown Abjuration Abjuration/Evocation Conjuration Conjuration/Evocation Conjuration/Necromancy Desert Wind Devoted Spirit Diamond Mind Divination Divination/Evocation Enchantment Evocation Evocation/Transmutation Illusion Iron Heart Necromancy Setting Sun Shadow Hand Stone Dragon Tiger Claw Transmutation Transmutation/Divination Transmutation/Evocation Universal varied White Raven Sub-school: Unknown Boost Calling Charm Compulsion Counter Creation Creation or Calling Figment Figment and Glamer Glamer Healing Pattern Phantasm Polymorph Scrying Shadow Stance Strike Summoning Teleportation Descriptor: Unknown Acid Air Chaos Chaotic Cold Compulsion Creation Darkness Death Earth Ectomancy Electricity Evil Fear Fire Fire or Cold Force Glamer Good Good or Evil Ice Incarnum Investiture Language-Dependent Law Lawful Light Mind Affecting and Chaotic Mind-Affecting Mindset Pattern see text see text for align weapon see text for lesser energized shield see text for lesser energy surge see text for lesser planar ally see text for lesser planar binding see text for lesser planar exchange see text for lesser spirit binding see text for summon monster I Shadow Sonic Summoning Teleportation Water Verbal component: Unknown Yes No Somatic component: Unknown Yes No Material component: Unknown Yes No Arcane focus component: Unknown Yes No Divine focus component: Unknown Yes No Xp component: Unknown Yes No Rulebook: Unknown Player's Handbook 3.0 Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5 Monster Manual Monster Manual v.3.5 Player's Handbook v.3.5 Web Dragonlance Campaign Setting Dragonmarked Dragons of Ebberon Eberron Campaign Setting Explorer's Handbook Eyes of the Lich Queen Faiths of Eberron Five Nations Magic of Eberron Player's Guide to Eberron Races of Eberron Secrets of Sarlona Secrets of Xen'drik Sharn: City of Towers The Forge of War Faiths & Pantheons Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting Lords of Darkness Magic of Faerun Races of Faerun Silver Marches Unapproachable East Champions of Ruin Champions of Valor City of Splendors: Waterdeep Dragons of Faerun Lost Empires of Faerun Power of Faerun Serpent Kingdoms Shadowdale: The Scouring of the Land Shining South Underdark Oriental Adventures Arms and Equipment Guide Book of Challenges: Dungeon Rooms, Puzzles, and Traps Book of Vile Darkness Defenders of the Faith: A Guidebook to Clerics and Paladins Deities and Demigods Enemies and Allies Epic Level Handbook Feats Fiend Folio Ghostwalk Manual of the Planes Masters of the Wild: A Guidebook to Barbarians, Druids, and Rangers Psionics Handbook 3.0 Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil Savage Species Song and Silence: A Guidebook to Bards and Rogues Stronghold Builder's Guidebook Sword and Fist: A Guidebook to Monks and Fighters Tome and Blood: A Guidebook to Wizards and Sorcerers Book of Exalted Deeds CityScape Complete Adventurer Complete Arcane Complete Champion Complete Divine Complete Mage Complete Psionic Complete Scoundrel Complete Warrior Draconomicon Dragon Compendium Dragon Magic Drow of the Underdark Dungeon Master's Guide II Dungeonscape Elder Evils Exemplars of Evil Expanded Psionics Handbook Expedition to Castle Ravenloft Expedition to the Demonweb Pits Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells Frostburn Heroes of Battle Heroes of Horror Libris Mortis: The Book of the Dead Lords of Madness Magic Item Compendium Magic of Incarnum Miniatures Handbook Monster Manual II Monster Manual III Monster Manual IV Monster Manual V Planar Handbook Player's Handbook II Races of Destiny Races of Stone Races of the Dragon Races of the Wild Red Hand of Doom Sandstorm Spell Compendium Stormwrack The Shattered Gates of Slaughtergarde Tome of Battle: The Book of Nine Swords Tome of Magic Unearthed Arcana Weapons of Legacy Edition: Core (3.0) Core (3.5) Dragonlance (3.5) Eberron (3.5) Forgotten Realms (3.0) Forgotten Realms (3.5) Oriental Adventures (3.0) Supplementals (3.0) Supplementals (3.5) Description: Class: Unknown Adept Apostle of Peace Ardent Artificer Assassin Bard Beastmaster Beguiler Beloved of Valarian Blackguard Blighter Bone Collector Champion of Gwynharwyf Cleric Court Herald Crusader Death Delver Death Master Demonologist Disciple of Thrym Divine Bard Dread Necromancer Druid Duskblade Ebonmar Infiltrator Emissary of Barachiel Exalted Arcanist Fatemaker Harper Scout Hathran Healer Hexblade Hoardstealer Hunter of the Dead Jester Justice of Weald and Woe Knight of the Chalice Knight of the Weave Merchant Prince Mortal Hunter Nar Demonbinder Nentyar Hunter Paladin Prime Underdark Guide Ranger Runescarred Berserker Savant Sha'ir Shaman Shugenja Slayer of Domiel Sohei Sorcerer Sorcerer/Wizard Variant Swordsage Telflammar Shadowlord Thayan Slaver Trapsmith Urban Druid Vassal of Bahamut Vigilante Walker In the Waste Warblade Warmage Wizard Wu Jen Shows only classes with own spell lists Level for class: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Use ctrl to select more levels! Domain: Unknown Abyss Air Ancestor Animal Arborea Artifice Baator Balance Bestial Blackwater Blightbringer Brahmin Cavern Celerity Celestia Celestial Chaos Charm City Cold Community Competition Corrupt Corruption Courage Craft Creation Darkness Death Deathbound Deathless Demonic Destiny Destruction Diabolic Divination Domination Dragon Dream Drow Dwarf Earth Elf Elysium Endurance Entropy Envy Evil Exorcism Family Fate Feast Fey Fire Flame Force Fortune Fury Ghost Glory Gluttony Gnome Good Grave Greed Guardian Hades Halfling Hatred Healing Herald Hero Hunger Illusion Incarnum Initiate of anhur Initiate of bane Initiate of baravar cloakshadow Initiate of cyric Initiate of eilistraee Initiate of ghaunadaur Initiate of gond Initiate of gruumsh Initiate of helm Initiate of horus-re Initiate of ilmater Initiate of lathander Initiate of malar Initiate of milil Initiate of mystra Initiate of nature Initiate of nobanion Initiate of the holy realm Initiate of tymora Initiate of tyr Inquisition Joy Knowledge Law Liberation Limbo Luck Lust Madness Magic Maho Mechanus Mentalism Metal Mind Moon Mysticism Nature Nobility Ocean Oneiromancy Ooze Oracle Orc Pact Pain Pestilence Planning Plant Pleasure Portal Portal (Alternative) Pride Protection Purification Renewal Repose Retribution Revered Ancestor River Rune Sanctified Sand Scalykind Seafolk Sky Slime Sloth Spell Spider Spite Stone Storm Strength Suffering Summer Summoner Sun Temptation Thirst Time Trade Transformation Travel Trickery Truth Tyranny Undeath Vile darkness War Warforged Water Watery death Wealth Weather Windstorm Winter Wood Wrath Wrath (BE) Wrath (SpC) Level for domain: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Use ctrl to select more levels! ‹‹ prev 1 2 ... 176 177 178 179 180 ... 244 245 246 next ›› Spell name Spell School Rulebook name Roots of the Mountain Stone Dragon ToB Rope Trick Transmutation PH Rosemantle Abjuration Mag Rosemantle Abjuration PG Rot of Ages Conjuration/Necromancy DM Rotting Curse of Urfestra Transmutation BV Rouse Enchantment PH2 Ruby Nightmare Blade Diamond Mind ToB Ruby Ray of Reversal Abjuration PG Ruby Ray of Reversal Abjuration Sc_ Ruin Delver's Fortune Transmutation Sc_ Runic Marker Conjuration CV Rushing Waters Conjuration Und Rushing Waters Conjuration Sc_ Rust Ray Transmutation Sc_ Rusted Blade Transmutation CM Rusting Fog Transmutation FoW Rusting Grasp Transmutation PH Sacred Guardian Divination BE Sacred Haven Abjuration BE ‹‹ prev 1 2 ... 176 177 178 179 180 ... 244 245 246 next ››