Druid level 5 spells

More spell levels: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Mantle of the Icy Soul Transmutation Fr
Mantle of the Icy Soul Transmutation Sc_
Mark of the Wild Transmutation Dra
Memory Rot Evocation Mag
Memory Rot Evocation Sc_
Owl's Insight Transmutation Mag
Owl's Insight Transmutation Sc_
Panacea Conjuration MH
Panacea Conjuration Sc_
Pass Through Ice Transmutation Fr
Phantom Stag Conjuration CD
Phantom Stag Conjuration Sc_
Plant Body Transmutation Sc_
Poison Thorns Transmutation CD
Poison Thorns Transmutation Sc_
Quill Blast Conjuration CD
Quill Blast Conjuration Sc_
Radiance Evocation PH2
Regenerate Critical Wounds Conjuration MW
Rejuvenation Cocoon Conjuration CD