Spells in Spell Compendium

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Exacting Shot Transmutation Sc_
Excavate Transmutation Sc_
Expeditious Retreat, Swift Transmutation Sc_
Explosive Cascade Evocation Sc_
Expose the Dead Divination Sc_
Extend Tentacles Transmutation Sc_
Extract Water Elemental Transmutation Sc_
Eye of Power Divination Sc_
Eye of the Hurricane Abjuration Sc_
Eyes of the King Conjuration Sc_
Faith healing Conjuration Sc_
False Gravity Transmutation Sc_
Familiar Pocket Universal Sc_
Fangs of the Vampire King Transmutation Sc_
Fantastic Machine Conjuration Sc_
Fantastic Machine, Greater Conjuration Sc_
Favor of the Martyr Necromancy Sc_
Favorable Sacrifice Abjuration Sc_
Fearsome Grapple Transmutation Sc_
Fell the Greatest Foe Transmutation Sc_