Wall of Magma


Conjuration (Creation) [Earth, Fire]
Level: Cleric 5, Sorcerer 5, Wizard 5, Druid 6,
Components: V, S, M, DF,
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect: Wall of molten stone whose area is up to one 5-ft. square/level (S)
Duration: 1 min./level
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell creates a wall of thick magma that glows with a dull red heat.
It merges into adjoining rock surfaces, melting the rock at the point of connection to form a smooth bond.
The wall can seal off a passage or breach, but the intense heat causes flammable materials in contact with the wall of magma to catch fire instantly.
A wall of magma is 1 inch thick per four caster levels.
You can double the wall's area by halving its thickness.
The wall cannot be conjured so that it occupies the same space as a creature or another object.
You can shape a wall of magma into sheets and curves, but the molten wall cannot form domes or unsupported horizontal surfaces more than 5 feet across.
The wall need not be vertical but must rest upon a firm foundation; it must merge with and be solidly supported by existing stone.
The wall cannot hold complex forms such as crenellations.
It is possible (though difficult) to form the wall into a ring to enclose creatures, but they can avoid this with successful Reflex saves.
The wall sends forth waves of heat, dealing 2d6 points of fire damage to creatures within 10 feet and 1d6 points of fire damage to those past 10 feet but within 20 feet.
Unlike a wall of fire, both sides of a wall of magma radiate heat.
Since it is molten, the wall cannot be broken as such, but an object or creature could force its way through.
It costs 4 squares of movement to move through a square containing a wall of magma, but creatures of the earth subtype can pass through the wall at normal speed.
A wall of magma deals 5d6 points of fire damage +1 point of fire damage per caster level (maximum +20) to creatures passing through it, the same amount each round to any creature within it, and 2d6 points of fire damage per round for 1d3 rounds after a creature leaves the area of the wall.
It deals double damage to undead and creatures with the water subtype.
The wall can be destroyed normally by a disintegrate spell.
If any 5-foot section of the wall takes 40 points of cold damage or more in a round, that section hardens into normal stone (hardness 8, 15 hit points per inch of thickness), which can then be chipped or broken as normal (DC 20 Strength check, +2 per inch of thickness).
Do not divide cold damage by four, as normal for objects.
Casting create water on the surface of a wall of magma creates a cloud of steamy fog that fills a cube with the dimensions of the length of wall affected.
The fog dissipates after 10 minutes.
Only the surface of the stone hardens; the wall is not cooled completely.
Wall of magma can be made permanent with a permanency spell.
A permanent wall of magma that is chilled by cold damage stays solid for 10 minutes, then returns to its molten state.
Arcane Material Component: A small piece of pumice, obsidian, or other volcanic rock.