Spells in Player's Handbook v.3.5

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Entropic Shield Abjuration PH
Erase Transmutation PH
Ethereal Jaunt Transmutation PH
Etherealness Transmutation PH
Evard's Black Tentacles Conjuration PH
Expeditious Retreat Transmutation PH
Explosive Runes Abjuration PH
Eyebite Necromancy PH
Fabricate Transmutation PH
Faerie Fire Evocation PH
False Life Necromancy PH
False Vision Illusion PH
Fear Necromancy PH
Feather Fall Transmutation PH
Feeblemind Enchantment PH
Find the Path Divination PH
Find Traps Divination PH
Finger of Death Necromancy PH
Fire Seeds Conjuration PH
Fire Shield Evocation PH