Spells in Defenders of the Faith: A Guidebook to Clerics and Paladins ‹‹ prev 1 2 3 next ›› Spell name Spell School Rulebook name Aspect of the Deity Transmutation DF Aspect of the Deity, Greater Transmutation DF Aspect of the Deity, Lesser Transmutation DF Bear's Heart Transmutation DF Beast Claws Transmutation DF Beastmask Illusion DF Blessed Aim Divination DF Blight Necromancy DF Bolt of Glory Evocation DF Bolts of Bedevilment Enchantment DF Brain Spider Divination DF Brambles Transmutation DF Briar Web Transmutation DF Burial Blessing Abjuration DF Castigate Evocation DF Chain of Chaos Enchantment DF Chain of Eyes Divination DF Crown of Glory Evocation DF Curse of Lycanthropy Necromancy DF Curse of the Brute Transmutation DF ‹‹ prev 1 2 3 next ››