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Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Familiar Pocket Universal CAr
Familiar Pocket Universal TB
Familiar Pocket Universal Sc_
Familiar Refuge Conjuration CM
Fan the Flames Desert Wind ToB
Fanfare Evocation SaS
Fang Trap Abjuration SK
Fangs of the Vampire King Transmutation BV
Fangs of the Vampire King Transmutation LM
Fangs of the Vampire King Transmutation Sc_
Fantastic Machine Illusion FRCS
Fantastic Machine Conjuration Sc_
Fantastic Machine, Greater Illusion FRCS
Fantastic Machine, Greater Conjuration Sc_
Fatal Flame Evocation CS
Fatigue Transmutation OA
Favor of Ilmater Necromancy Mag
Favor of Ilmater Necromancy PG
Favor of the Martyr Necromancy Sc_
Favor of Tymora Abjuration CV